What Do You See? The Image That’s Stirring Up Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Debate

Have you ever looked at an image and wondered if it reveals something about you? A viral image is said to test whether you’re more left-brained or right-brained based on what you see first.

The image looks like an abstract stain on concrete, with interpretations ranging from a hot air balloon to a jellyfish. What you see might reflect your cognitive style.

**Hot Air Balloon or Jellyfish?**
– If you see a hot air balloon, you may be more left-brained, logical, and detail-oriented.
– If you see a jellyfish, you might be right-brained, creative, and intuitive.

**The Brain’s Great Divide**
The idea of left-brain vs. right-brain dominance is mostly a myth. Both hemispheres work together on most tasks, though it’s fun to explore these concepts.

**What Do You See?**
Take a look and share what you see. Whether it’s a balloon or jellyfish, it’s fascinating to see how people interpret the same image differently.