She Wants To Go On Her Son’s Honeymoon. He Says Yes But The DIL Says ‘Go Home’

Some moments in life are meant to be private, and for most, a honeymoon is one of them. When Carol asked to join her son Mark and his wife Jane on their honeymoon, she was surprised when Mark agreed. “Jane won’t mind, will you, sweetheart?” he asked, but Jane’s hesitant response revealed her true feelings: “It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but if it makes Mark happy, I guess it’s okay.”

As they explored a coastal town together, Jane struggled with the lack of privacy. Carol joined them on every excursion and romantic dinner, making it hard for Jane to hide her disappointment. Eventually, she voiced her feelings: “Mark, I appreciate your mom’s company, but I had hoped for some alone time.”

Mark spoke to his mother, who understood and gave them space, though by then the tension was clear. At their farewell dinner, Carol forced a smile while Jane tried to be polite, but the damage was done.

This strained relationship became a lasting story from their honeymoon. While not every idea is a good one, it’s a lesson learned early in their marriage rather than later.