11-year-old dies because of online trend – now family is warning others about the household item that took his life

An 11-year-old boy, Tommie-Lee Billington from Lancaster, England, tragically died due to a dangerous TikTok trend involving inhaling harmful substances like dry shampoo, spray deodorant, and glue.

Tommie’s family is urging parents to discuss the risks of social media challenges with their children. His mother, Sherry, expressed her grief on Facebook, stating, “This cost my son his life from trying something other kids are doing. Please talk to your children about the consequences of this. It’s so dangerous!”

This incident follows the deaths of two teenage girls from the same “challenge,” highlighting the lethal risks of such trends. Children “do not always understand the repercussions of following trends they discover online, not knowing that sometimes they can actually be deadly.”

Sherry’s heartfelt message continues, “I have never felt pain like this. My baby boy. I will make sure that your name and beautiful face will save other children’s lives.”

Rest in peace, Tommie. Let’s spread this crucial message to prevent further tragedies.